My Name is Ayan Bhowal. I am a hardworking , ambitious and a patient person who likes working in teams and I perform well enough under pressure. I am good at communication and adaptable to situations.



Have Google certification in UI-UX

Adobe Photoshop

Have over 5 years of Experiebce in Photoediting through Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro

Have over 3-4 years of expereince in Video Editing through Premiere Pro and other Softwares.


Have various projects in the area of Web development requiring HTML and learning it further since there's a vast sea of knowledge still left to explore in HTML.

Python Programming Languagge

Have been learning Python since my first semester of Btech Degree and have 3 projects in Python.

Structured Query Languagge

Have 2-3 Project in SQL and have also implemented SQL and PHP in Backend Web Development.


Have 2-3 Project in JAVA.


Have made this Portfolio using CSS.

Contact Me

If you want to know further about my projects , education or my life in general , Pls feel free to contact me through here !
